Disibilmez Bay
There are scarce sheltering coves between Iztuzu and Sarigerme, with the sole exception of Asi Bay, positioned on the north of Disibilmez Bay between Kara Cape and Disibilmez points. The shoreline comprises of steep rocks, and a sheer gray rock emerges from the sea. This location is well-liked by both divers and excursion boats.
The bay offers ample depth for boats to anchor at 10-15m with a line ashore. The cove also provides reasonable shelter from breezes, although strong northerlies can cause swell. Additionally, the area is ideal for swimming breaks. The anchorage located on the north of the beach also offers protection from the wind. Boats anchor in the cove at a depth of 8 – 10 metres and secure a line ashore. At night, a gentle swell from the prevailing wind can be expected. The cove is small and can only accommodate a limited number of boats.
Access to Asi Bay by sea is only available through two rocky hills located on either side of the cove’s entrance. In the mouth of the cove lies a petite island made of dark or pointed stones which provides a haven for swimming and shelter.
A charming restaurant situated at the waterfront flaunts its cleanliness.
Furthermore, the cove boasts of alluring caves that can be explored via dinghy while the pine-forested hillsides offer a tranquil view. A rudimentary path leading through the valley will take you to Ortaca, a town 25 km away. The inhabitants of Ortaca make use of this location for recreational purposes.